After graduating from Springfield College's athletic counseling graduate program, Matt Woodtke founded peak performance sports and mindset counseling.
The ultimate focus of this venture was to provide high school and college-aged athletes with the tools they need to cope with the combined pressures of their sports, school, & personal lives on a daily basis, both on and off the field.
Through one-on-one counseling sessions, workshops, seminars, & Athletic Support staff/parent consultations and education sessions, we have made it our mission to introduce new mental skills to as many people as possible in order to tear down the stigma against mental health within the sports world.

Chris Corkum, founder of Chris Corkum's Baseball inc.
“I would like to commend Matt Woodtke on the Athletic Counseling Program that he designed for our fall high school team, the Corkum 44s. Working with and directing his Springfield College graduate student interns in athletic counseling, PPSM's program not only gave the graduate students real hands on experiences with players in high school, it created a real family atmosphere for our players. The counselors, many times in much understated ways, helped our players deal with the pressure and temporary failures that all go through during a long season. In a very non-judgmental way they had the simple knack of making everyone feel comfortable including me, a head coach for over 46 years. Initially I was concerned with the notion of having extra people in our dugout and at our practices. I felt it could upset the delicate team chemistry ingredients of game intensity and the comradery that is key to an enjoyable, fruitful season. Just the opposite occurred. Matt and the graduate students made everything so much better. Late this season we scheduled a practice late notice and unfortunately the athletic counselors were not able to make it. The players were asking where they were and the same energetic vibe was missing from our practice that was usually there. That showed me directly more than anything else the impact on the program Matt created."

Morgan Bogli, former Rockville High School & Current Lasell University women's volleyball player
"When I first started meeting with Woodtke I was not quite sure what the purpose of the sessions were. As I continued going to his office throughout the year I came to recognize problems I didn't even know I had. He helped me overcome mental blocks on the court as well as getting through struggles I was having mentally off the court. He even helped me through the draining process of getting recruited. I eventually committed to a school I wouldn’t have even known existed or been open to without him. I have been at college for almost a full school year and I can say with complete confidence this school is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even while continuing my academic and athletic career in college I find myself giving others advice based on knowledge I gained from him. It was like he filled a need at RHS we didn’t really realize we even had."
Jeff Farrell, Rockville High School Athletic Director
"The counselors at PPSM have all been extremely professional and helpful to our athletes. Matt Woodtke has provided our school district with an amazing service. He goes above and beyond for our student athletes. His one-on-one meetings with athletes help them perform better on the field and handle the stresses of their academic and personal lives more effectively. I can say without a doubt that he has changed our student athletes lives for the better. The team sessions he and his team have done promote communication, teamwork, and leadership. PPSM has vastly improved our athletic program and I would recommend it to any team or athletic program."